On the planet Saturn, the restrictive influence made it difficult for new life forms to evolve and reach the mental plane of abstract thoughts. However, this challenge gave rise to a new breed of animals that could use their Will to overcome the Saturnian forces and ascend to the mental plane. These animals are known as the Aeon of Horus, named after the Egyptian deity representing focus, Will, and the ability to soar high. Five elder races (Draconian, Avian, Insectoid, Feline, and Monkeys) developed their own systems and nurtured their people, sometimes cooperating and sometimes competing with one another. The arrival of humans provided an opportunity for higher beings to incarnate and work from within humanity and for Terran souls to incarnate at a higher level on an evolutionary scale. One of the Terran life forms that worked through the human vessel was worms, one of the fastest-growing groups and had replaced the rigid, mechanical, and visual-based insectoids with a soft, empathic, and kinesthetic version of humans.
The development of higher faculties in the human mind allowed for free will, philosophy, magic, and personal growth, which were previously scarce. During the early phase of the Saturnian age, the elder races retreated to dimensions near the planet and communicated with humanity through symbols, astral vessels, and masks, primarily but not exclusively with priests and elite classes of each civilization. During the later phase of the Saturnian age, corresponding to the end of the Victorian period, the awakening gradually became available to wider circles. The third eye chakra, which is not typically activated in human bodies and is considered the "seat of the will," was only accessible to highly evolved souls and specially selected disciplined initiates during the solar age. The turning of the eons allows for a mass awakening, but not in the way that the New Age movement portrays it.The Saturnian age was primarily focused on growing self-awareness, self-realization, and personal growth through various professions. People began to question traditional conventions, but this was not a radical rejection of society in favor of radical ideologies. The forces of Saturn made it difficult for humans to transcend conventions, leading to the persistence of a "mass herd" mentality into the Solar Age (era of Osiris). Power shifted from monarchs to governments, and mass media took on the role of religious authorities. People elevated their status from being vassals or subjects to becoming workers or citizens. With the disappearance of the baby boomers, we are seeing the final remnants of the Saturnian age fade and the Jupiterian age take hold.