DATE: 28/09/2020
TIME: Nighttime
I am performing a ritual to open the Qliphoth and consecrate the seal. In the past, I have been involved with two lovers named Ezgi and Mari. As I stand on the Qliphotic star, I notice the sigil of Beelzebub beneath my feet. Even though I cannot see him, I can sense his presence and energy. I understand that he is the guardian who prevents the forces of suffering from penetrating my consciousness and this realm. However, I also realize that a black octopus of suffering, another form of entropy, is struggling to break through. Beelzebub stands at the sixth gate and is one of Jehova's primary adversaries. My soul is battling deep indoctrination towards the Jehovistic plan and the need to clear the way for the bondage to work without hindrance.
DATE: 29/09/2020 TIME: Nighttime
Invocation of Beelzebub and reading the pact out loud.
I discovered an update to the agreement which recognizes Beelzebub as the spirit of entropy. His role as the lord of pestilence and spirit of entropy resonates with me. In a Lovecraftian-style image, he appeared as the spirit of entropy after I realized this. During my journey through the smashed sadhana and the Parana paratha in Varanasi, he served as my guide and protector. With his help, I have surpassed the fourth stage and am approaching the fifth and final trial. I am shedding the indoctrination of Jehovistic beliefs. Beelzebub's infernal realm of entropy is a post-apocalyptic, dark place where black ashes fall from the sky and the air is hot and difficult to breathe. Piles of black ash, like burned newspapers without flames, are scattered throughout the landscape.
DATE: 30/09/2020 TIME: Nighttime
Invocation of Beelzebub and signing the pact.
Earlier, Marjaana saw me as a 14-15-year-old named Ofel. Like me, Ofel possessed a strong will and solid mental capacity but lacked the wisdom that comes with life experience. Ofel appeared determined and socially neutral without any affiliations. Marjaana felt a maternal connection towards Ofel but didn't know how to handle it. Lilith, one of my chaperones, also showed protective behavior towards Ofel, like an older sister. This helped resolve any issues between Na'amah and Marjaana as both accepted Ofel and differentiated between them. It felt empowering to grow under the guidance of two powerful chaperones. After the ritual, it was confirmed that Ofel had passed the age of 15, and this led to a sense of acceptance into the family of the Nightside. The ritual began with my confirmation as an advanced sorcerer and placed me in the same party space as other advanced and junior expert sorcerers. The evoked spirit was Beelzebub, the lord of high places and entropy in the form of a high mountain chain area. At some point, I received a familiar spirit, the wolf of entropy, to always be with me. Towards the end of the ritual, a female spirit from the infernal realm appeared to be hanging around me, possibly Lilith from that realm. The sigil of Beelzebub levitated as a ball over my altar, and the pact-signing ritual was successful.